Rocket ILR-33 Bursztyn
Composi-Tech has develope and prototype composite rocket head. In the first step the mock-up version has been built for the purpose of aerodynamic tests. In the second stage, after variety of modifications. ILot Composi-Tech has build series of composite rocket heads for tests:
- land static tests
- impact tests
- flight tests
Copyrights: Institute of Aviation, Warsaw
About the project
Rocket head has to withstand high working condition temperature up to 600*C which apears when cruising velocity reaches M=4 (four times sound velocity). Special, high glass transition temperature for resin system had to be used. Also long thermal treament process had to be performed in the owen.
Composi-Tech has delivered composites rocket heads and molds.
General project and mission description
Precise structure description
Video presenting performed work